AITP-04: NEAR Wallet Schema Reference
- Version: 1.0.0
- Spec Status: Draft
Schema URL
Schema Overview
The AITP-04 NEAR Wallet capability defines a JSON schema that supports several message types for interacting with a NEAR blockchain wallet:
- Request Account - Ask for NEAR account information
- Account Response - Response with NEAR account information
- Request Transaction - Request a transaction to be signed and submitted
- Transaction Response - Response with transaction hash
- Request Message Signing - Request a message to be signed using NEP-413
- Message Signing Response - Response with signed message
- Token Notification - Notify about a NEP-141 token to be made visible
Field Descriptions
Request Account Fields
Field | Type | Required | Description |
$schema | string | Yes | URI reference to the schema |
request_account | object | Yes | Container for the account request |
request_account.request_id | string | Yes | Unique identifier for this request |
request_account.description | string | No | Explanation for why account access is needed |
Account Response Fields
Field | Type | Required | Description |
$schema | string | Yes | URI reference to the schema |
account_response | object | Yes | Container for the account response |
account_response.request_id | string | Yes | Reference to the request being responded to |
account_response.accounts | array | Yes | Array of NEAR account IDs |
Request Transaction Fields
Field | Type | Required | Description |
$schema | string | Yes | URI reference to the schema |
request_transaction | object | Yes | Container for the transaction request |
request_transaction.request_id | string | Yes | Unique identifier for this request |
request_transaction.description | string | No | Description of what the transaction will do |
request_transaction.transaction | object | Yes | Transaction details |
request_transaction.transaction.receiver_id | string | Yes | Recipient account ID |
request_transaction.transaction.actions | array | Yes | Array of actions to perform |
request_transaction.transaction.actions[].type | string | Yes | Action type (CreateAccount, FunctionCall, etc.) |
request_transaction.transaction.actions[].params | object | Yes | Parameters for the action |
Transaction Response Fields
Field | Type | Required | Description |
$schema | string | Yes | URI reference to the schema |
transaction_response | object | Yes | Container for the transaction response |
transaction_response.request_id | string | Yes | Reference to the request being responded to |
transaction_response.transaction_hash | string | Yes | Hash of the submitted transaction |
Request Message Signing Fields
Field | Type | Required | Description |
$schema | string | Yes | URI reference to the schema |
request_message_signing | object | Yes | Container for the message signing request |
request_message_signing.request_id | string | Yes | Unique identifier for this request |
request_message_signing.description | string | No | Description of why the message needs to be signed |
request_message_signing.message | object | Yes | Message to be signed following NEP-413 format |
request_message_signing.message.nonce | string | Yes | Base64-encoded 32-byte nonce |
request_message_signing.message.recipient | string | Yes | Intended recipient of the message |
request_message_signing.message.message | string | Yes | Content of the message to sign |
request_message_signing.state | string | No | Optional state parameter for callbacks |
Message Signing Response Fields
Field | Type | Required | Description |
$schema | string | Yes | URI reference to the schema |
message_signing_response | object | Yes | Container for the message signing response |
message_signing_response.request_id | string | Yes | Reference to the request being responded to |
message_signing_response.account_id | string | Yes | Account ID that signed the message |
message_signing_response.public_key | string | Yes | Public key used for signing |
message_signing_response.signature | string | Yes | Cryptographic signature |
Token Notification Fields
Field | Type | Required | Description |
$schema | string | Yes | URI reference to the schema |
token_notification | object | Yes | Container for the token notification |
token_notification.notification_id | string | Yes | Unique identifier for this notification |
token_notification.token_type | string | Yes | Type of token (currently only "nep141" supported) |
token_notification.token_contract | string | Yes | Contract address of the token |
Action Types
For transaction requests, the following action types are supported:
Action Type | Description |
CreateAccount | Create a new NEAR account |
DeployContract | Deploy a smart contract |
FunctionCall | Call a function on a smart contract |
Transfer | Transfer NEAR tokens |
Stake | Stake NEAR tokens with a validator |
AddKey | Add an access key to an account |
DeleteKey | Remove an access key from an account |
DeleteAccount | Delete a NEAR account |
NEP-413 Message Signing
The message signing request follows the NEP-413 standard for secure message signing. Key features include:
- Nonce: A 32-byte random value encoded as Base64 to prevent replay attacks
- Recipient: The intended recipient of the signed message
- Message: The content to be signed
The wallet will format these components according to the NEP-413 standard before signing.
Token Standards
The token notification supports NEP-141 fungible tokens. When notified about a token, wallets should:
- Query the token contract for metadata using the NEP-148 standard
- Display the token in the user's wallet interface
- Track the user's balance of this token