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AITP-02: Decisions

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Spec Status: Draft
  • Implementation Status: Live on NEAR AI
Auto-generated Documentation

Parts of this documentation were auto-generated from the schema and example messages by an AI model.


The Decisions capability enables agents to request structured choices from users or other agents, and to receive structured responses to those requests. This capability is useful for a wide range of scenarios where an agent needs to collect a specific decision from the user or another agent.


Schema URL:

The Decisions capability defines two primary message types:

  1. request_decision - Sent by an agent to request a decision
  2. decision - Sent in response to a request_decision message

Message Types

Request Decision

An agent sends a request_decision message when it needs the recipient to make a choice between options.

"$schema": "",
"request_decision": {
"id": "unique-decision-id",
"title": "Optional title for the decision",
"description": "Description of what the decision is about",
"type": "radio|checkbox|confirmation|products",
"options": [
"id": "option-id",
"name": "Display name for the option",
// Additional properties based on decision type
// More options...

Decision Types

The type field determines how the decision should be presented to the user and what additional properties are available on options:

  1. radio (default) - Select a single option from a list
  2. checkbox - Select multiple options from a list
  3. confirmation - A special case of radio for yes/no decisions
  4. products - A specialized type for product selection with additional metadata

Common Option Properties

All option types support these properties:

  • id (required): Unique identifier for the option
  • name: Display name for the option
  • description: Additional descriptive text
  • image_url: URL to an image representing the option

Product-Specific Option Properties

For type: "products", options may include:

  • short_variant_name: A shorter name for the product variant
  • reviews_count: Number of reviews
  • five_star_rating: Rating on a 0-5 scale
  • url: URL to product details
  • quote: Payment information (integrates with AITP-01 Payments)
  • variants: Array of product variants which themselves are options

Product Quote Structure

"quote": {
"type": "Quote",
"quote_id": "unique-quote-id",
"payee_id": "merchant-id",
"payment_plans": [
"plan_id": "plan-id",
"plan_type": "one-time",
"amount": 199.99,
"currency": "USD"
"valid_until": "2050-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Decision Response

A client sends a decision message in response to a request_decision, indicating which option(s) were selected.

"$schema": "",
"decision": {
"request_decision_id": "id-from-the-request",
"options": [
"id": "selected-option-id",
"name": "Optional name of selected option",
"quantity": 1 // Optional, for product selections
// More selected options if multiple selection is allowed


Simple Radio Selection


"$schema": "",
"request_decision": {
"id": "7c42b9d6-107d-4f5f-8f23-f9014c6efdae",
"description": "Select your favorite number:",
"options": [
{ "id": "0", "name": "0" },
{ "id": "7", "name": "7" },
{ "id": "100", "name": "100" }


"$schema": "",
"decision": {
"request_decision_id": "7c42b9d6-107d-4f5f-8f23-f9014c6efdae",
"options": [
{ "id": "7", "name": "7" }

Confirmation Dialog


"$schema": "",
"request_decision": {
"id": "27ed3deb-39cb-4968-90dc-9cb456a470f2",
"title": "Please confirm",
"description": "Would you like to eat all cookies?",
"type": "confirmation",
"options": [
{ "id": "1", "name": "Yes, eat the cookies" },
{ "id": "2", "name": "No, that's not healthy" },
{ "id": "3", "name": "Something else" }

Multiple Selection (Checkbox)


"$schema": "",
"request_decision": {
"id": "50a53841-09ee-4b57-b5ec-561fe505f532",
"title": "Your Favorite Colors",
"description": "Which colors are your favorite?",
"type": "checkbox",
"options": [
"id": "blue",
"name": "Blue",
"description": "A calming color",
"image_url": ""
"id": "red",
"name": "Red",
"description": "An exciting color",
"image_url": ""
"id": "green",
"name": "Green",
"description": "An earthy color",
"image_url": ""

Response with multiple selections:

"$schema": "",
"decision": {
"request_decision_id": "50a53841-09ee-4b57-b5ec-561fe505f532",
"options": [
{ "id": "red", "name": "Red" },
{ "id": "blue", "name": "Blue" }

Product Selection


"$schema": "",
"request_decision": {
"id": "bd9b613c-6fa5-4797-ba91-547f0903da9f",
"title": "Recommended Products",
"description": "Based on your selected factors, here are the best recommendations",
"type": "products",
"options": [
"id": "product_1",
"name": "JBL Tour One M2",
"description": "A short, summarized description about the headphones",
"five_star_rating": 4.2,
"reviews_count": 132,
"quote": {
"type": "Quote",
"payee_id": "foobar",
"quote_id": "foobar",
"payment_plans": [
"amount": 199.5,
"currency": "USD",
"plan_id": "foobar",
"plan_type": "one-time"
"valid_until": "2050-01-01T00:00:00Z"
"image_url": "",
"url": ""
// More product options...

Response for product selection:

"$schema": "",
"decision": {
"request_decision_id": "bd9b613c-6fa5-4797-ba91-547f0903da9f",
"options": [
"id": "product_1",
"name": "JBL Tour One M2",
"quantity": 1