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AITP-04: NEAR Wallet

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Spec Status: Draft
  • Implementation Status: In Development


AITP-04 NEAR Wallet enables agents to interact with a user's NEAR blockchain wallet for account information, transaction signing, and message signing. Unlike AITP-01 Payments which provides comprehensive payment capabilities, AITP-04 is focused specifically on direct NEAR wallet operations.

When to Use NEAR Wallet Capability

The NEAR Wallet capability lets your agent request information about a user's NEAR account, have transactions signed by their wallet, get messages signed using NEP-413, and notify wallets about NEP-141 tokens they should be aware of.

Useful for agents that facilitate blockchain interactions, verify user identity with cryptographic signatures, or need to request transaction authorization from users.

Message Types

Request Account

"$schema": "",
"request_account": {
"request_id": "acc_req_12345",
"description": "Share your NEAR account to continue"

Account Response

"$schema": "",
"account_response": {
"request_id": "acc_req_12345",
"accounts": ["user.near", "user-other.near"]

Request Transaction Signing

"$schema": "",
"request_transaction": {
"request_id": "tx_req_67890",
"description": "Sign transaction to mint NFT",
"transaction": {
"receiver_id": "contract.near",
"actions": [
"type": "FunctionCall",
"params": {
"method_name": "nft_mint",
"args": "eyJ0b2tlbl9pZCI6ICJteS1uZnQiLCAibWV0YWRhdGEiOiB7InRpdGxlIjogIk15IE5GVCIsICJkZXNjcmlwdGlvbiI6ICJBbiBleGFtcGxlIE5GVCJ9fQ==",
"gas": "30000000000000",
"deposit": "1000000000000000000000000"

Transaction Response

"$schema": "",
"transaction_response": {
"request_id": "tx_req_67890",
"transaction_hash": "9pz7fg2ZnM8joauyjvmwJeUESanYjRFzD3MN3kENAHVV"

Request Message Signing (NEP-413)

"$schema": "",
"request_message_signing": {
"request_id": "msg_req_24680",
"description": "Sign message to verify your identity",
"message": {
"nonce": "AQIDBA==", // Base64 encoded 32-byte nonce
"recipient": "app.near",
"message": "Sign this message to verify your identity"
"state": "optional_state_for_callbacks"

Message Signing Response

"$schema": "",
"message_signing_response": {
"request_id": "msg_req_24680",
"account_id": "user.near",
"public_key": "ed25519:6E8sCci9badyRkXb3JoRpBj5p8C6Tw41ELDZoiihKEtp",
"signature": "ed25519:4bkh1vDYxgJHVbGjMBtjMgL2Z7bP34UKWZ9zoQJfB21synQ2GuxMQty1gpQV3EH7HSDBhMG4FQnQ9fhjH8ye3cNc"

Token Awareness Notification

"$schema": "",
"token_notification": {
"notification_id": "token_13579",
"token_type": "nep141",
"token_contract": "usdt.tether-token.near"

The wallet can retrieve additional token information (name, symbol, decimals, icon) using the NEP-148 token metadata standard from the provided contract address.


The NEAR Wallet capability has the following limitations:

  1. Focused exclusively on NEAR blockchain (use AITP-05 for EVM chains, AITP-06 for Solana)
  2. Does not handle payments directly (use AITP-01 for payment flows)
  3. Requires a compatible NEAR wallet implementation
  4. Limited to operations supported by NEP-413 and standard NEAR transactions

For more complex payment scenarios, affiliate models, or cross-chain operations, consider using AITP-01 Payments.