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AITP-02: Decisions Implementation Guide

Auto-generated Documentation

Parts of this documentation were auto-generated from the schema and example messages by an AI model.

This guide provides practical implementation details for developers integrating the AITP-02 Decisions capability into agents and user interfaces.

Implementation for Agent Developers

When to Use the Decisions Capability

Use the Decisions capability when your agent needs to:

  1. Present choices to a user or another agent
  2. Collect structured selection data
  3. Present product options with rich metadata
  4. Enable multi-selection of options

Request Decision Generation

// Example JavaScript for generating a request_decision message
function createRequestDecision(options) {
return {
"$schema": "",
"request_decision": {
"id": generateUniqueId(), // Use UUID or similar
"title": options.title || "",
"description": options.description || "",
"type": options.type || "radio",
"options": => ({
// Add other properties based on item type

Processing Decision Responses

// Example JavaScript for handling a decision response
function handleDecision(decision) {
// Find the original request
const requestId = decision.decision.request_decision_id;
const originalRequest = findRequestById(requestId);

// Process selected options
const selectedOptions = decision.decision.options;

// For a single selection
if (originalRequest.request_decision.type === "radio" ||
originalRequest.request_decision.type === "confirmation") {
const selectedOption = selectedOptions[0];
// Take action based on selection

// For multiple selections
if (originalRequest.request_decision.type === "checkbox") {
// Process each selected option
selectedOptions.forEach(option => {
// Take action based on each selection

// For product selection
if (originalRequest.request_decision.type === "products") {
selectedOptions.forEach(product => {
const quantity = product.quantity || 1;
// Process product selection with quantity

Best Practices for Agent Developers

  1. Clear Context: Provide enough context in the description so users understand why they're making this decision.

  2. Appropriate Types:

    • Use radio for single selections from few options
    • Use checkbox when multiple selections are valid
    • Use confirmation for yes/no/maybe decisions
    • Use products for e-commerce style selections
  3. Option Organization:

    • Limit options to a reasonable number (typically 3-7 for best UX)
    • Order options logically (alphabetical, price, popularity)
    • Use variants for product options with small differences
  4. Rich Metadata:

    • Include images when visual representation helps
    • For products, include ratings, prices, and descriptions
    • Use short, descriptive option names
  5. Resilient Handling:

    • Be prepared to handle unexpected or partial selections
    • Have fallback behaviors if decisions aren't provided
    • Store decision requests to match with responses later

Implementation for UI Developers

Rendering Different Decision Types

Radio Selection

// React example for rendering radio selection
function RadioDecision({ request, onSubmit }) {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState(null);

const handleSubmit = () => {
if (selected) {
"$schema": "",
"decision": {
"options": [{ "id": selected }]

return (
<div className="decision-container">

<div className="options">
{ => (
<div key={} className="radio-option">
checked={selected ===}
onChange={() => setSelected(}
<label htmlFor={}>
{option.description && <p className="description">{option.description}</p>}

<button onClick={handleSubmit} disabled={!selected}>Submit</button>

Checkbox Selection

// React example for rendering checkbox selection
function CheckboxDecision({ request, onSubmit }) {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState({});

const toggleOption = (id) => {
setSelected(prev => ({
[id]: !prev[id]

const handleSubmit = () => {
const selectedOptions = Object.entries(selected)
.filter(([_, isSelected]) => isSelected)
.map(([id]) => {
const option = request.request_decision.options.find(o => === id);
return { "id": id, "name": };

if (selectedOptions.length > 0) {
"$schema": "",
"decision": {
"options": selectedOptions

return (
<div className="decision-container">

<div className="options">
{ => (
<div key={} className="checkbox-option">
checked={selected[] || false}
onChange={() => toggleOption(}
<label htmlFor={}>
{option.description && <p className="description">{option.description}</p>}

<button onClick={handleSubmit} disabled={Object.values(selected).every(v => !v)}>

Product Selection

// React example for rendering product selection
function ProductsDecision({ request, onSubmit }) {
const [selected, setSelected] = useState({});
const [quantities, setQuantities] = useState({});

const selectProduct = (id) => {
setSelected(prev => {
const newSelected = {...prev};
// If product is already selected, remove it, otherwise add it
if (newSelected[id]) {
delete newSelected[id];
} else {
newSelected[id] = true;
return newSelected;

// Initialize quantity to 1 if not already set
if (!quantities[id]) {
setQuantities(prev => ({...prev, [id]: 1}));

const updateQuantity = (id, quantity) => {
if (quantity < 1) quantity = 1;
setQuantities(prev => ({...prev, [id]: quantity}));

// Ensure product is selected when quantity is set
if (!selected[id]) {
setSelected(prev => ({...prev, [id]: true}));

const handleSubmit = () => {
const selectedOptions = Object.keys(selected)
.map(id => {
const option = request.request_decision.options.find(o => === id);
return {
"id": id,
"quantity": quantities[id] || 1

if (selectedOptions.length > 0) {
"$schema": "",
"decision": {
"options": selectedOptions

return (
<div className="products-container">

<div className="product-grid">
{ => (
<div key={} className={`product-card ${selected[] ? 'selected' : ''}`}>
{product.image_url && (
<img src={product.image_url} alt={} className="product-image" />

<div className="product-info">
{product.description && <p>{product.description}</p>}

{product.five_star_rating && (
<div className="rating">
{product.reviews_count && <span>({product.reviews_count} reviews)</span>}

{product.quote && (
<div className="price">
${product.quote.payment_plans[0].amount.toFixed(2)} {product.quote.payment_plans[0].currency}

<div className="product-actions">
checked={selected[] || false}
onChange={() => selectProduct(}

{selected[] && (
<div className="quantity">
<button onClick={() => updateQuantity(, (quantities[] || 1) - 1)}>-</button>
value={quantities[] || 1}
onChange={(e) => updateQuantity(, parseInt(}
<button onClick={() => updateQuantity(, (quantities[] || 1) + 1)}>+</button>

<button onClick={handleSubmit} disabled={Object.keys(selected).length === 0}>
Submit Selection

Handling Decision Variants

For product options with variants:

function ProductVariantSelector({ product, onSelect }) {
const [expandedVariants, setExpandedVariants] = useState(false);

// If product has variants, render a dropdown or expansion panel
if (product.variants && product.variants.length > 0) {
return (
<div className="product-with-variants">
<div className="main-product" onClick={() => setExpandedVariants(!expandedVariants)}>
<button>{expandedVariants ? "Hide Variants" : "Show Variants"}</button>

{expandedVariants && (
<div className="variants-container">
{ => (
<div key={} className="variant" onClick={() => onSelect(variant)}>
{variant.image_url && <img src={variant.image_url} alt={} />}
<div className="variant-details">
<span className="variant-name">{variant.short_variant_name ||}</span>
{variant.quote && (
<span className="variant-price">

// If no variants, just render the product normally
return (
<div className="product" onClick={() => onSelect(product)}>
{/* ... other product details ... */}